Monday, February 08, 2010

And the Winner Is…

I want to thank all who participated in The Dark Divine giveaway contest. Your answers were interesting & entertaining. I wish I had more copies to give away. I put your names in my virtual hat and pulled out "Nihon Joe". Congratulations!

Fortunately, Nihon Joe is a local reader and I was able to hand the winning book off to him on Saturday. Now to scrounge up some change and mail off the other books that were won by readers. If you are one of the winners, please harass me via email so that I remember to get your book out to you.

Today I will begin working on my middle grade novel which I have labelled #snkrz. It's short for "Sneakers", who is a cat of unique abilities. Look for tweets with that hashtag as I chart my progress. My goal is to have a first draft done in time for the UVU Forum on Children's Literature.