Wednesday, May 16, 2012

I'm in the Top 20 ADD Blog List? Is There Some Mistake?

Bryan Hutchinson over at ADDerworld has put together a list of his top 20 ADDer blogs. Somehow my blog ended up on the list. Can you believe it? What was he thinking? I don't write about puff adders.

Jokes about African vipers aside, I was very honored to make the list. There are nineteen other excellent AD/HD blogs as well listed there. Blogs were selected for helpfulness, transparency, frequency, the amount of posts, and for their positive impact. I can't say my blog is very transparent, tho. A lot of my graphics are quite opaque, but the text background is kinda see through. I'm glad Bryan noticed. It's the little details…

Visit ADDerworld to see the entire list and give the bloggers a holler. Bryan did a fantastic job finding new blood. Many of those blogs were new to me. I can't wait to read them!