Just in case you are new to my new Monday feature, I've decided to provide some constructive distractions over the summer. People with AD/HD are prone to distraction, but more importantly, we need distraction. Instead of finding ourselves aimlessly being browsey for hours, perhaps instead we should have a list of officially sanctioned distractions that won't get us fired or in debt. Fish cams are great because they interest us visually, break the monotony, but bore us quickly before we get lost in them. Remember, the trick is to not just mindlessly load up a fishcam but to begin with the end in mind. Allow yourself a limited amount of time to escape from whatever you're supposed to be doing so you can get back to it. I'd limit being browsey to 5-10 minutes. Consider this focus training.
Ever since Netscape's famous Fish Cam hit the net ages ago, webcams have gone hand in hand with aquariums. Instead of being refreshed once every ice age, however, fishcams are now broadcast in realtime. Here is a list of some of the more interesting ones I have found this summer. Enjoy.
Beluga Cam
Coral Cam - Pretty, but the video stream has AD/HD.
Jason's Fishcam - Three tanks to choose from. Tank #2 has rudimentary camera controls.
Biotrek Collection - Four in one (Larger Version 1, 2)
Japanese Fishcam - From Nakamura, Hajime. Not visible during their night.
Monterey Bay Aqarium
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technorati tags: ADD, ADHD, AD/HD, Distractions, Geocamming, Fishcam, Fish, Aquarium