Sometime last night my 50,000th visitor dropped by. This is amazing to me. For a blog that isn't about technology, porn, or politics I consider myself quite lucky to have come this far in such a short time. I want to thank all my readers, all my subscribers, and especially all my commenters. That you take time to read and comment on my writings simply blows my mind every week. I promise to keep the articles coming.
In fact, I've been thinking about this blog's fate over the upcoming busy Summer and instead of cutting back on articles and postings I believe I will cut back my word count. Currently, articles are limited to 900 words. This has been an artificial challenge of mine to help me not rant for eons over here. It keeps me on topic, keeps my writing tight, and helps me develop those editing skills I will need when I finish my 75,000 page novel and have to cut it back a bit. I believe my new limit will be 600 words. This will be difficult, but hopefully it will force me to write even tighter, and perhaps a bit lighter. I'm hoping you won't mind that over the Summer. We all get so busy.
Speaking of being busy, if you simply remind yourself to visit my blog from time to time I know I will lose you over the Summer. You'll come back in the Fall to your blog reading ways and will have forgotten all about me. It happens to a lot of my readers every year. May I recommend that you take advantage of my email subscription option? It's at the top right of my blog and you won't be spammed. You can also use a service like Google Reader or Bloglines to subscribe or you can use RSS reading software to keep track. I usually use Safari, my browser on the Mac, but Internet Explorer has RSS abilities now and a search at Downloads.com will offer you many other dedicated RSS readers.
Once again, thank you for your support. Here's to the next 50,000 visitors!
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