Since I've been training myself to not let ADHD rule my mind, I have become better aware of how I work and can recognize the symptoms before they wreak havoc in my life. These past few years have seen a tightening of my life. I'm a better Dad, hopefully a better husband, and a better worker. I seem to accomplish more, at any rate.
Last week I attended a conference on children's literature and had my latest manuscript critiqued. I am happy to say it is every bit as good as I thought, no, hoped it was. The critiques I received will help me tighten the prose and make for a stronger narrative, but the story needed no changing. It worked as it was. That was a great relief. I have this blog to thank for that. I've been honing my skills for three years here to be a better writer.
This means that one of this week's goals is to rewrite my story, Sneaker's Secret, to include the latest edits, then mail it off to an editor at Simon & Schuster I met. Another goal for the week is to reign in my insomnia and get back to some semblance of normalcy. I do so dislike being wide awake and starting my day at 11pm. I'm all turned around again. My third goal is to begin working on a new client's website. I meet with them at 1pm today and I'm looking forward to it. It is my goal to begin and end that assignment within one month's time. As a fun aside, I will work on mastering Irish whistle rolls. I might treat you to a song by the end of the week. If I'm lucky, I might have time to write more about the conference, but blogging will be a lower priority this week.
My family is often embarrassed by what I write here. I am honest about my weaknesses and failings, so I understand where they are coming from. Unfortunately for them, writing about these failings is part of the process I need to undergo in order to master myself. Some readers have empathized with me. Others simply find my journey fascinating. Still others find my journey an affront to their lives. To them I say, I will master myself without meds. I'm sorry if that offends you, but I will not yield on that point. To everyone else, thank you for your support. I hope that overall my family will feel pride not shame at what I write. We will see.
And now I begin my day and my week and wish you luck with yours. Decide today what goals you want to achieve and apply your will to the task. You have more power over your limitations than you realize. Let's all work towards our goals and share in the joy of success.