Usually the weather is quite warm by May, but contrary to the popular need for the world to be rudely ignited by Global Warming, Winter has had quite a long hold here in the Midwest. We had snow here in Utah last month. In fact, I drove through a blizzard on my way into Denver just two weeks ago, nearly pitching headlong into the darkness thanks to a patch of black ice in Monarch Pass.
I know. I know. Weather is not the climate. Funny thing, though. We only hear that when cold weather inconveniently happens. I keep thoughts like that in mind when I'm huddling under the covers trying to restore warmth to my frozen extremities.
I found this time lapse experiment I made last February and thought I'd post it in honor of a nifty l'il news item in the New York Times where the warm-mongers have now hired a marketing firm to help them with Mother Nature's own slam on their credibility.
In the meantime, bundle up out there. It's only May.
(I linked to a secondary site because the Times has a habit of locking out their content to non-subscribers. The original Times link is here.)
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