Looks like I finally have an excuse to ditch Blogger comments and switch to Disqus. I've really liked their hooks into social media but wasn't sure about the fate of older comments. Thanks to the wonder of Twitter, though, a random, wistful comment about Disqus to a friend caught @disqus' attention. They've answered my concerns and so here we are.
I'll test out their service on newer posts and consider converting older posts if things work out. I know that from my experience with Dad-o-matic that the conversion doesn't always work (or @paisano methodically deleted all my old comments while laughing maniacally–you never know).
In the meantime, please reply to this post and try to break things. I'll make it easier for you.
Do you celebrate Thanksgiving? If so, what are the highlights for you? I love the food, the food, and the food. Conversations after dinner are always a highlight, too. And then there's desert. I find the lovely chaos of the holidays is usually just about the right speed for my frizzled mind. What about you?