Monday, December 14, 2009

Splintered Feeds

WetOver the years I have found many readers either start following me for my posts on Depression, or they start following me for my posts on AD/HD. If I go through a period of covering one subject more than the other, I lose new readers. Now that I'm exploring writing as a new subject, I imagine this problem will grow worse. It's time to organize my blog in a way that will benefit my various readers. It's not their fault my mind goes in several directions at once.

Since I'm working on a new blog design for my 5th year anniversary on January 5th, I've been rethinking what belongs here and what doesn't. I've got some changes in mind for my blog, and maybe an end in mind as well.

First, though, I want to offer my three major writing subjects up at the top. Each link will load only articles relevant to that subject. Even better, I figured out the unique RSS feed for each subject. Now my readers can follow just one particular subject if they choose. The RSS icon to the left of each label will open the appropriate feed.

If all of that sounds too technical for you, ignore it. This page will stay the same as I continue to cover everything under the sun and within the shadow of the mountain.

AD/HD: FeedBlog
Depression: FeedBlog
Writing: Feed Blog