I'm wrapping things up here and heading on over to the library to work on next week's ADDaboy! articles or to write in my novel, which is more likely to happen. I had a very bad neurological day yesterday and achieved nothing of import except to get into arguments with half of my family. My wife & girls often assume I'm a jerk first before thinking "Oh, hey. He's not doing so well today." Most families don't understand neurological disabilities. Even mine. Nothing I can do about it. I'll just make sure the articles are finished before Sunday eve.
In the meantime, are you enjoying the snow? Winter seems to have made a comeback yesterday, as well as my cold, but Spring is determined to be victorious. I saw crocuses emerging from the earth on Thursday and heard a mourning dove bright and early today. Yes, that was me up at 9am on a Saturday morning. Now to don warm clothes and brave the sunny March snowdrifts. Spring is yet determined to send Winter packing, but I hear Winter has another wallop coming tomorrow.