Maybe I should just say I sat and processed things slowly all day. I even ruined the spaghetti sauce. I'm Italian. It takes a lot for an Italian to ruin spaghetti sauce, yet I managed it. I should have backed away from the stove when I discovered that when I thought I set the sauce on two notches up from Low it was actually two notches away from High. I barely saved the sauce from scorching, but then I pushed my luck and added the spices. Who knows what I put in there. Turtle Wax? Battery Fluid? It was bad.
When the ticking spell subsided around 1:30am, I suddenly realized (thus proving that the ticking spell had subsided) that I had an article due in the morning. What fun. But I typed it out quickly and then instead of going to bed got distracted watching "Justified" episodes off the internet.
Now I must sleep. Here's hoping I have a better day later.