Well, if you must know, my neighborhood is actually not quite writer conference material. The "Dream On" exotic dancer club may have gone under, but there's still Hooters around the corner, two breweries, government housing, and the toxic waste land fill. My kids and I love playing there. We find the most interesting mutated critters.
Still, ten minutes away might as well be in my backyard. I had planned on popping by and saying "Hi" to friends, but medical emergencies being time consuming and all, I never did. I may have to keep the kids away from that dump for a while…
I suspect my grumpy mood has come about due to the deadline for the Splintered Books Project that I missed. I had hoped to have had so much accomplished by the first day of conference last week. Maybe in the future I won't make any goals whatsoever and just hope my novels get finished by wishful thinking. I haven't tried that technique yet, and I have to admit it sounds promising.
In the meantime, go check out Carol's blog. I have an ADDaboy! article to write.