The problem is that the most popular library ebook lending system is Overdrive. They deliver a double-fisted DRM smack down by wrapping Adobe DRM in a server side authorization mechanism. Basically, Overdrive files point to the DRMed book on Overdrive servers which an Overdrive authorized reader must be given permission to access. Since there are no authorized Overdrive readers for the iPad, and Overdrive has stated their first mobile ebook support will be for Android devices, this means that almost 7.5 million iPad owners will have to wait.
7.5 million. That's such an insignificant number. Overdrive is wise to put them off and wait for somebody else to step in to fill the vacuum or just make them irrelevant.
These DRMed Overdrive ePub files can't even be read by other Adobe DRM authorized ePub ereaders. I've downloaded a gaggle of them and none of them can make front nor back of my library lent ebooks. What's a voracious ebibliophile to do? Sit in an office chair and click through 300 pages with a mouse? Well, perhaps some people do that, but I was determined to read my ebooks someplace more comfortable. So I came up with a solution. You may want to hold your nose on this one.
- Setup up VNC/Apple Remote Desktop on your PC or Mac.
- Run a VNC client on your iPad
- Open Adobe Digital Editions (ADE) and load your ebook
- Put ADE into Reading mode. Now drag the window as wide and tall as will fit comfortably on your iPad screen. (Since ADE refuses to remember window positions on the Mac, and does not offer a full screen mode, you'll have to do this every time you launch the program.)
- Sit back and read your book. A simple tap on the down arrow is all you need to turn the page.