Obviously, minds don't work that way.
Since I can't wave a magic will-wand to make my disabilities disappear, I have to deal with them the hard way. This calls for lots of thinking and truthful frankness as I assess the obstacles, the goals, and the methods at my disposal to put the disabilities in their place. That is why I was so delighted to discover Chris Brogan's The Discipline to Write Daily.
I strongly encourage you to visit the page and take notes. The article offers excellent advice. Chris writes the article from the position of a blogger, but he also writes non-fiction books, travels for speaking engagements, and is involved with various start-ups at one point or another. Yet he still finds time to blog every day. His advice isn't limited to just bloggers.
I'll include his first tip. It stopped me cold and left me thinking hard about what I am doing wrong with my schedule. It wasn't that I had never heard this concept before. I know that I need quiet and no interruptions to immerse myself in art or writing. But it was worded in a manner that opened up new pathways in my mind.
It Requires a Stillness
To write daily, you have to find a moment of stillness where you can put down your thoughts. Parents know that this is difficult. Busy people know that it’s difficult. And yet, there are ways to find stillness. We simply must build the desire to find that time into our daily habits. Never look for a time that’s ideal. Look for the time you can grab. Right now, I’m doing this post in the morning before the kids are awake. I sometimes sneak time at night. Other times, I can write in between projects at work. I hunt for the stillness.
Next: I continue my picture journal and then a followup on ADHD and Writer's Block by the end of the week.
Follow me on Twitter for my ADHD escapades at @SplinteredMind or my novel writing project over at @DouglasCootey. And if you're a glutton for punishment you can friend me on Facebook as well.