Today's sky looked nothing like this photo's. The clouds clung to the mountains instead of rising above them. In their own way they were beautiful, but by the end of the day the grey, wintery clouds blotted out the sunset and let only a tiny splash of color escape far off in the South West.
After attending the First Annual Irish Music Festival last August, my girls and I were treated to Maxfield Parrish skies all the way home. It was like suddenly being given an unexpected desert when we had already experienced a full, delicious meal. What a memory that made for us in the mountains of Park City, Utah.
Today felt a little like that as I made my words per day goal then went on to write more and more. What a great feeling that was.
Later that evening I sat and listened to my wife chatter about work and things while she cooked me a tasty meal of sautéed mushrooms and spinach on a turkey burger. I then realized suddenly that I felt immensely satisfied with my writing success and was therefore able to give her my full attention. No panic about unfinished projects. No worry about failure. No distraction. Just full enjoyment of the moment.
I'm not sure what has happened this week, but today was phenomenally productive just like yesterday. I'm actually looking forward to tomorrow.
Follow me on Twitter for my ADHD escapades at @SplinteredMind or my novel writing project over at @DouglasCootey. And if you're a glutton for punishment you can friend me on Facebook as well.