6:32 AM: I've had about twenty minutes of sleep. Rough night. The Brownie is once again not waking up for me. I've done everything except detonate explosives under her. She's out. Her sleep schedule is undone with every weekend at her mother's. She just doesn't go to bed for her mum. Not fair to her mum, and not smart since she has epilepsy. I called the bus service and told them she wasn't going to school. Back to bed.
1:00 PM: The Brownie is up now, but she won't be going to school. She seems in good spirits, but I'm having a devil of a time tuning our her exuberant cuteness.
5:10 PM: The Brownie announced her head was spinning just as I was warming up in my “Why you have to go to bed for your mother” lecture. I texted her mum and sent her to bed. Soon, her vision started to drop out, so I applied VerSed. Good thing I had a spare nasal nozzle for the syringe. The one it came with was defective. No hole.
Fifteen minutes later, she was asleep. As you can imagine, no writing has been done so far. Obviously, my daughter's wellbeing is top priority. Her mum and I worked out a new plan for the weekends so that we can get the cute li'l turd into bed on time. She's her own worst enemy.
10:08 PM: I had a few hours to work before she woke again. I discovered that my next chapter's research was left unfinished. Kicking my stupid ADHD self. This was an unexpected setback. Work set aside, I made dinner, talked to family, cleaned…and prepared for her. Then I spent two hours trying to get her back to bed. I just succeeded.
I'm so beat I want to veg out in front of the TV, but I push myself to work instead. What a mess I've made of this project with these notes. I found a meticulous fact filled table that made no sense to me anymore. Was any of it relevant? Sometimes, my ADHD infuriates me. Especially at these times when I come along and rediscover my inanity. I'm going to have to re-research the table to figure out what the heck I was trying to say with the data. But I'll work it out. I always do.
Day No.1: 1250 words
Day No.2: 703 words
Day No.3: 671 words
Day No.4: 262 words
Day No.7: 2725 words
Day No.8: 231 words
Day No.9: 0 words
Day No.10: 0 words
Project Word Count Total: 5842 words