5:22 PM: Success! I published Trading Up to Legendaries in Seven Easy Steps: A Pokémon Trading Guide for Parents & Gamers early this morning. Then I crashed harder than Dow Jones after America made Brexit great again. I woke up just as my daughter arrived home from school. I am waiting for the book to appear on the various ebook stores. Then I’ll post two new landing pages: one for the book, and one for all my books. Hey! I have two of them now. They go together like peanut butter and jelly fish, but it’s uniquely me. I began my freelance writing career by reviewing video games, so this isn’t so far off topic for me.
Next, I will work on rebranding my mental health book to be written by “D.R. Cootey”, upload a new cover, maybe spruce up the descriptions, then get busy working on the hard copy version. My goal is to have that ready by the time I turn 50. But for NOW, we have Pokémon in Alola to capture. I’ll be going.
♪ Listening to: Space and the Woods by Late of the Pier
If you like reading finished books, you’ll love my first book. My new book isn’t up yet, and it won’t likely interest you, unless you dig Pokémon.