3:40 AM: I feel as if I am on the cusp of returning to normal—as if I woke up today and suddenly noticed that pants are supposed to be worn on my legs. I almost imagined that I could resume my normal daily activities. I have to admit, I haven’t been happy about my writing schedule since October. My blog comments are still broken. I’ve also got an itch to write about more than fishbowls. All my focus has been on finishing Pokémon Legendaries in 7 Easy Steps. I don’t believe I will schedule two surgeries across a book launch window ever again. You can’t believe the stupid mistakes I’ve made. I imagine the approval committees over at Smashwords & Amazon are thinking, “What? This guy again? Didn’t we just post his latest update ten minutes ago?”
This Fall has been an awkward dance with knives with long walks along a ragged beach. Perhaps that’s painting the experience too luridly. Let’s just say that my surgery last week went well, and although EnvisionRX should go die in a hole somewhere for tying up my pain meds, there were relatively no complications. In fact, I thought I was ready for primetime on Saturday and began writing my last Family Guy article for the month. As I finished, I leaned back and thought, “Dang…this is good stuff.” It was that good. Of course, I needed to send it off right away. That’s when I discovered that I had already sent my editor a copy of the article. Obviously, that couldn’t be. I had just finished writing it, yet there is was with the exact same title and emailed two months ago! I was so out of it, I wrote a new article about an anecdote that I had already written about and submitted. It’s already published! I laughed long and hard over that screw-up.
So I decided to write about goofing up and still liking myself. As soon as it’s up, I’ll share it with you. Dang, it’s good stuff.
In the meantime, I have redesigned Pokémon Legendaries in 7 Easy Steps’ book cover…again…fixed up the copyright page, discovered a block of text in the book had been deleted accidentally, hacked the epub file, and resubmitted it all. As soon as it posts, I’ll tell the world about it. I also disassembled my Apple Magic Trackpad and fixed the sticky left click, but who cares about that sort of stuff?
And now I need to sleep. Hopefully, I’ll have something more exciting to write for you tomorrow. Maybe it will be about the dream I had the other day where I inherited the powers of Thor AND Spider-man, then somehow became god-like and flew around the world in a beat-up, green, 1980 Toyota Corolla. I should dream like that more often.