I’ve been blogging about ADHD & Depression since 2005. In that time I have met many wonderful people. One of them was Elena Díaz de Guereñu. Elena would translate my blogs into Spanish for her TDAH (ADHD) readers. I was always grateful for her efforts.
I haven’t heard from her in a while, and now that I’ve visited her blog again (Dra ELENA DÍAZ DE GUEREÑU – Diagnóstico y tratamiento del TDAH), I know why. She stopped blogging due to health reasons over a year ago. And now she’s gone, which feels off to me. The magical aspect of online relationships is that people live forever in our minds. Sometimes, we have no idea who they are in real life or what impact they have had on others. Judging by the dozens of tearful comments left on her facebook page, Elena left behind a legacy of grateful patients who she taught to manage their ADHD. She touched so many lives.
Here are the six articles she translated of my work. Most of them were written for ADDitude Magazine (who altered my URLs during a website redesign. You can’t follow through the links on her site.). If you speak Spanish and are interested in TDAH, I hope you find these articles useful. Elena translated a lot of ADHD material for her patients and readers. She was friendly, kind, and selfless. We will all miss her.
- Misión Imposible: consejos para sacar adelante lo que más te atormenta de tu lista de tareas
- El botón de alarma: por qué las personas con TDAH nunca deberíamos pulsarlo
- Los niños están bien. Pero yo no.
- Promesas, promesas: por qué las incumplía y cómo las cumplo
- Perder la cabeza por perder la cartera
- ¿Demasiado orgulloso para tener TDAH?
If you are interested in reading more articles that I’ve written about ADHD, you can find them here and at ADDitude Magazine.