Monday, November 02, 2009

Don't Let Hardship Be a Pain in the Butt. Get Out and Live.

Congratulations, Icy. You’ve won an autographed copy of “Heck Superhero” by Martine Leavitt. Send me your mailing address via email and I’ll wrap the book up and send it to you.

Spooky effectWith one last Halloween hurrah I'll share some photos with you. I'll be changing the colors here back to their normal greens and blues later today, and Halloween 2009 will be officially over for me.

I must say that I was disappointed. I posted all those photos and a writing excerpt and you people were off gallivanting around in costume instead of sitting around reading my blog. You have some nerve. Don't worry, though. My family hasn't read any of it either.

I have to admit, it was the most enjoyable Halloween since my Leprechaun was born in 1998 on October 30th. We brought her home in a trick or treat bag. (If you're lucky, my wife will let me post the photo here for you to see.) Then Halloween 2009 arrived and she turned eleven, pierced her ears, and dressed up as Laura Holt from Remington Steele. Isn't she cool?

Coolest of all was that I went out with the kids for the first time in a few years. I seem to traditionally get a cold or have a ticking episode every Halloween. This year I still had a small cold, but neurologically I was in tiptop shape. I decided to drive the family around. I got to see firsthand my eight year old Goblin wear a smile all evening as she ran giggling from house to house gathering her booty, and I was there to watch my gorgeous fourteen year old Elf help her mother and take some spooky photos with my iPhone. The seventeen year old Pixie was off with friends, but we had fun earlier that week carving pumpkins.

In the end, my cold took a turn for the worse, but I wouldn't trade that evening out with my family for an armload of moistureless, warm evenings.

I say on bolder days that you've got to live life as if you're going to suddenly be hit by a bus. With so much wrong in my life, with so many things wired wonkily in my noodle, I am so glad I've trained myself to get out and live instead of staying home suffering as I used to do.

Staying home depressed is boring. Staying home ticking is even more so. But even with this attitude I still have improvements to do. My ADHD still remains a blemish on my otherwise smooth backside. I have full confidence, though, that one day I will master all my problems and live blemish free.