When I finally came out of the tick hours later, my day was long over. I had missed my daily deadline to clean and blog about it. I hadn't worked on my latest manuscript. I hadn't drawn. The last thing I wanted to do was clean. I felt foggy headed, out of focus, and rudderless. Hey, wait a minute! That's exactly what the stupid cleaning project is supposed to target. By cleaning a little, I organize my mind a lot. You don't think I actually like cleaning, do you? I bet you've got me pictured in your mind dressed up like Hazel, humming Cinderella's cleaning tune, and talking to my messes. C'mon, admit it. The truth is I dress up like Rambo and crank tecktonik in my ears. Then I attack the mess like I'm storming Normandy. It's the only way I can tackle these boring projects.

Join me each day this week and comment here when you finish. Spread the word. Let's get a whole bunch of us filling up landfills across the world*. The trick is to pick a small pile that can be polished off in one quick session. Most of my readers are dealing with Depression, AD/HD, or both so beginning yet another unfinished project brings a lot of emotional baggage. Start small and congratulate yourself on success. Know your limits, but push to expand them, and always remember "When in doubt, throw it out."
Day One (Corner of Car Junk)
Day Two (Camera Box)
Day Three (Photo Box from Hell)
Day Four (The Easy Peasy Refrigerator Top)
Day Five (Kitchen Storage Shelves)
Day Six (Studio)
Day Seven (PC Junk Box)
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