Looks like our trip to Logan, Utah on Sunday pushed the steering wheel column on our Minivan past the point of the mountain. Severe leaking, no response—it's a metaphor for life.
Lately I've been pushing myself to write ADDaboy! for HealthyPlace and have been finding myself wasted just to meet the challenge. I really thought this would be a good stretch for me, and it is, but it wasn't meant to be the only thing I was working on. I''m trying to implement some changes to allow for writing time. I'm trying to finish the two articles on the weekend before they are due so I have an entire week to do nothing but write in my novel.
I'm spinning my wheels instead.
I am indeed finishing the articles early, but I spend the first few days of the week unable to do anything beyond Daddy Duty. Today is the first day I'm almost/kinda/sorta able to write and I'm doing it here instead. Did I ever mention I have ADHD? You may have noticed…
Ah, there's the door. The Leprechaun is home from school. Soon the Goblin will follow. My writing window just closed for the moment. I have a science project to help polish up, cleaning to do, and a dance studio to drop the Elf & Pixie off at.
Update: Reference to ADDitude Magazine was the addled musing of a distracted mind. It has been corrected.