Sometime before midnight on January 31st, my blog crossed a threshold that I’ve been waiting for a long time to see. A Splintered Mind has hit 500,000 unique visitors. Considering the blog just had it’s twelfth birthday on January 2nd, this seems a fitting month to achieve such a milestone.
Thank you, one and all, for your support over the past twelve years. I’ve grown so much as a person and as a writer. In fact, we’ve come so far together since the days years ago when I would blog about my wet socks, and you could leave comments—back before my blog template became damaged beyond repair. Maybe that’s a bad example. My socks are still a water magnet. It’s so irritating. I change them almost twice a day. I just stepped in a puddle a few minutes ago. Why was water waiting to lovingly soak my socks in that particular corner? How did the water get there? Why didn’t anybody else step in it? And why am I talking about wet socks, anyway? I didn’t start blogging about wet socks until my blog was nine months old. I started this blog whining about my bad luck with electronics, which stuns me to think that half a million people later I’m still writing about it. What were we talking about again?
Personal growth! Yes, I feel blessed to have shared this journey with you, even with competition from Facebook, Twitter, and Netflix. I’m lucky that I still have readers, to be honest. Those that have stayed have put up with my meandering coverage of depression, ADHD, and writing. You empathized with the reasons why I’m wary about taking psychmeds. You were there when I came forward and shared my struggles with suicide. You watched me get writing gigs, like my current one at ADDitude Magazine. You’ve seen me earn awards and then finally publish my first book, then a second book. You made a blog I wrote eleven years ago on fighting depression one of the most popular articles on this site, so much so that I’m basing my third book on it. Most of all, you were there rooting for me and cheering me on. I am glad to have shared this journey with you. Thank you for all your clicks and comments.