I posted an audio blog that featured me playing a tinwhistle. (You have no idea how hard it was for me to do that), and I participated in video chats on Seesmic.com (That was even harder). All in all, it wasn't a bad day if you ignore all the mindless socializing online, reading news, blog tweaking, and trips to the eye doctor.
Not a great day then, upon reflection. Not great in comparison to the deeds of mighty men, or at least men with more than half a brain. Not great according to the pathetically unchecked todo list I was supposed to polish off.
Not great then, but definitely groovy. Remind me to tell you about my impulsive trip into Hooters some day…
But I digress.
I aim to make today a great day. I have a whole home to myself as my wife & girls head off to a bluegrass competition for Bri'anna. As much as I'd love to tag along, I have freelance work to finish. If you see me on Twitter too much, feel free to publicly scold me.
In the meantime, I thought I'd share some links.
My edits for "The Secret Life of My Cat, Sneakers" are coming along. I've been thinking about character and motivation and peril and why anybody would want to read the story. Perhaps that is why I was so delighted by What Sequels Teach Us About Developing Character. Not only did reading that long article distract me from a particularly difficult edit, but it helped me think about character development in a new light. The script writers of "Heroes" could learn a thing or two from the creatively named "Schizoid Mann". I didn't find his article aloof at all and recommend it to any out there struggling with character development.
Meanwhile, the other day Jon Swanson helped me find the perfect pencil. He was right.
Lastly, earlier this week I searched Twitter for people chatting about ocarinas because I'm an odd, distracted man with way too much time on my hands and discovered @kurreltheraven. That led me to his website, Ravenspiral, and his wonderfully ethereal accompaniment on ocarina to his roommate's vacuum. Oh, go on. You know you want to listen to it.
Now, if this article didn't convince you that I truly do have ADHD, then I don't know what will. I also have insomnia, so I think I shall publish this and head off to bed. (AFTER I renew my domain. I just realized it was one of the items on my todo list that didn't get done.) I have a big day ahead of me when I awake.
Thanks for reading.
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