Thursday, September 01, 2005

Getting Back Up in the Saddle

Summer was tough on many counts. As detailed before, my insomnia and chronic motor tic disorder slammed me hard and left me dazed. At the same time, I had four kids home everyday keeping me very busy. Now that school has started up again, I'm finding more time for myself and consequently have started tinkering around my web pages again.

I have made minor cosmetic changes to this blog, but the greatest has been the creation of a new blog: The Absentminded Bookshelf. My book review section was growing too long so I stopped adding to it months ago. However, I think blogging those reviews on a seperate blog will give me give me ample opportunity to express myself while not detracting from this site. Pop on over and let me know what you think of the books I've been reading.

My last entry wasn't so funny or humorous. As I stated before, summer was tough. But I'm feeling more chipper now and ready to have a go at life again. I have some editorial changes in mind for this blog and I hope to refocus on having a laugh at my troubles instead of endlessly inveighing about how difficult things are.

On that note, good news! I got Apple to give me a new iPod mini. It took two trips by mail to their Cupertino labs before they cried "Uncle" but they finally agreed with me that my iPod mini was a lemon. I also convinced IOGEAR to give me a brand new bluetooth dongle. Amazing. Things are going so well I might throw caution to the wind and buy the 1st gen ROKR when it's released next week and dare it to disappoint me. Or maybe I'll pick out a refurbished vehicle blindfolded and try to get lucky.