I had hoped to write about the epiphany here in this blog, but I never seemed to find the time to commit to a long writing session. Truth be told, I was bored thinking about re-contemplating my navel after I had already done so already. I was more interested in new ideas and new epiphanies than explaining anew old ones. This doesn't mean I have put the epiphany out of mind. I refer to it all the time to help keep myself on track. You see, I recorded it in my journal.
I realize this might seem odd to some people, but I am compelled to write personally as well as publicly. One would think two or three blogs would be enough, but my appetite for expression is not hedged in the slightest. I have volumes of personal journals that I have recorded since I was just days before turning twelve. And now I record every few days my thoughts and musings in a beautifully crisp and classy Moleskine lined notebook. I no longer write about Star Wars, comic books, my school days, or troubled or unrequited loves. I write in metaphor, wax eloquent (or attempt to do so at least), analyze myself, chart personal progress, and reread my entries to stay the course.
The new awareness began after I followed a successful drawing (the one up top on the left) with an awkward, stilted drawing three days later (the one just above on the right). I was so horrified with the results, and it was so hard to get the drawing to be at that level of competence, that I stopped drawing completely. Then I heard a podcast about master guitar player, Pat Martino, and how he had to reteach himself to play the guitar after surgery for a brain aneurism. Suddenly, something clicked in my mind and I finally understood my struggles in a new light...
25 April 2006
Tuesday - Entry 10: Sometimes my life is a tempest in a teapot - so much drama. So much energy. All that excitement with no results. I still struggle with this and that. I still stare wide awake into the night. I still struggle to find myself. I still need focus. And yet I am not the same man. I am much improved.
I am pleased my weekly column, the Splintered Mind, keeps my interest. I am glad to draw again. My backstory work on my novel moves along nicely...
I believe I have finally discovered why my life is still so chaotic. As you may know, I have AD/HD, clinical depression, and Chronic Motor Tic Disorder, to name a few things that trouble me. When my depression acted up in the past I would lose months of my life. I never seemed to stay on the same path - somehow I would wander off in a new direction. Over time I learned to control my depression to the point where I would only lose hours, but still I could end up lost and off track.
Now that I am beginning to identify the tic disorder as a symptom of a larger problem I am beginning to see the inconsistency I complained of in the past as the largest obstacle I need to overcome.
When I come out of a period of ticking I am changed. I first began to notice it last month in my art. I had always attributed my rocky art skills to a lack of practice, and to a degree it was true. However, I suspect these episodes have more in common with aneurisms and seizures than laziness. I was drawing so well two weeks ago. Then I entered a long ticking period and came out of it months out of practice, not weeks. I've not only unlearned the skills and confidence I had gained prior to the episode, but there is a wall in my mind resisting my attempts to reclaim lost time. This has been going on for fourteen years and I was oblivious. Instead, I blamed this on AD/HD and my low tolerance for frustration. After all, my AD/HD was pretty severe.
The problem is I pinpointed how I adversely reacted to the problem, but I failed to pinpoint the actual cause.
Now sleep comes to me quickly and careless errors follow. I will explore this latter. I know I am onto something.
26 April 2006
Wensday - Entry 11: To test this new theory I am going to redraw the lilies I failed at nine days ago first thing tomorrow. I am not going to avoid drawing any further. The experience of failure is so excruciating for me I stop drawing. Here I did it again. Nine days. Oh, I timidly sketched, expecting failure and receiving it. Still I repeat the patterns.
Tomorrow I will draw knowing I have a neurological wall to break through. I don't understand it fully, but I am beginning to give a name to my enemy. Just as I did with Depression, I am beginning to see the marks of the beast as an external enemy and not as a failure within myself. Tomorrow I draw thinking not "What is wrong with me? Why am I such a loser?" No, instead I will think "OK, Easter Lily. We meet again. I'm not going to let you and my neurological disability kick me around anymore. I _know_ I can draw. I know the skill is in there and I'm going to pull it out kicking and clutching and slap it down on the blank page."
I have never fully understood the effect my tic episodes had on my art skills. I always blamed it on personal failure, or AD/HD and my terminal boredom, or a lack of character to see the skill through the dull parts. I never realized that my neurological disability was the invisible barrier. It is too soon to proclaim victory. My theory is untested, but I relish the battle. I pray I won't tic so I can test my mettle. Can positive thinking make the difference here, too?
27 April 2006
Thursday - Entry 12: First experiment was a success! My skill is still a touch behind my usual competence but my drawing today was much better than before. Psyching myself up to succeed despite the barriers made a large difference. My drawing still feels crude but because I drew with full knowledge of my neurological wall I did not get discouraged when I crashed into it - even with tool troubles. Taking success in the small victories was how I clawed out of my depression from before. I'll claw my way out of neurological mediocrity as well.
I don't know if I expressed my struggle adequately here, but this is a start. I know I'm making progress, and I believe I may lick this problem yet.